Planning on visiting Great Barrier Island? Take a look at our current weather situation and an up-to-date forecast for the next 7 days. You may also be interested to take a look below to get an idea of what you could typically expect at certain times of the year.
The sunniest days on Great Barrier Island are enjoyed during December which has an average of 6.4 hours of sunshine per day, making it a quite sunny month with some cloud cover. May has the least sunshine with an average of only 3.3 hours of sunshine per day… Just enough for our mainly solar powered systems to keep things running ! The ultraviolet index is highest in January when it can reach 13.2. It’s at it’s lowest during June when it barely reaches 2.2. An ultraviolet index reading above 11 indicates an extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. We recommend you “Slip on a shirt, Slop on some sunscreen, Slap on a hat and Slide on some sunnies.”
The sea water temperatures are at their warmest during February when they peak at around 22°
They’re at their lowest in August when they dip to 15°.
The best time for swimming is between December and May when the temperature is above 18° but some hardy Barrier locals swim all year round !
The most humid month is February with a dew point of 18° which is OK for most people but can be slightly uncomfortable for some. The least humid month on Great Barrier Island is July with a dew point of 11° Pretty comfortable for all.
The windiest month on Great Barrier Island is October when the average maximum windspeed is around 34kmh and the average wind speed is 19kmh. The least windy month is April when the average maximum windspeed is 26kmh and the average wind speed is around 14kmh.
The weather can have a big influence on island life… We rely on the wind and sun to provide electricity.
The ferry and airline services do their best but at times Mother Nature demands a break in services…
There’s something pretty special about having to live in harmony with whatever the weather is providing at any particular time… It’s all part of the total experience of living off the grid on a beautiful remote island.